National Desk, February 18: A cricket team’s journey to a match turned into a tragedy on Sunday morning when their tempo collided with a truck in Maharashtra’s Nandgaon district. Four young players, identified as Shrihari Raut, Ayush Bahale, Suyash Ambarte, and Sandesh Padar, lost their lives in the impact. Ten other team members sustained injuries, with one in critical condition requiring immediate medical attention at Amravati city’s RIMS Hospital.
The accident occurred around 9 am near Shingnapur Phata in Nandgaon Khandeshwar taluka. The tempo, carrying 15 members of the Amravati cricket team, was on its way to Yavatmal for a match when the collision happened.
“Four persons died on the spot, while 10 sustained injuries and have been hospitalized,” confirmed Superintendent of Police Vishal Anand. He added that the truck driver has been arrested.
Initial medical treatment was provided at Nandgaon Khandeshwar hospital, but due to the severity of one individual’s injuries, all ten wounded were transferred to RIMS Hospital in Amravati for further care.
As news of the tragedy spread, grief and shock gripped the families and friends of the deceased and injured players. Police Inspector Solanke of Nandgaon Khandeshwar police station assured that a thorough investigation is underway to determine the cause of the accident.
This heartbreaking incident highlights the importance of road safety measures and responsible driving practices. It serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences that can arise from traffic accidents.
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