Know all about 26/11 attacks anniversary

India has witnessed one of the worst terror attacks in the country on this day 26/11 15 years back.

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Ten Pakistani terrorists entered Mumbai on November 26, 2008 and started indiscriminate firing on civilians killing 166 people in total including 18 security force personnel.

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The attack started on November began on November 26 and continued till November 29 when the terrorists were neutralized and one captured.

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The India an government engaged the country's elite force National Security Guards (NSG) who along with the Mumbai police could gun down nine terrorists and apprehend one of them alive.

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Every year people pay tribute to the martyrs of 26/11 attacks in different places including in Mumbai where the attack took place.

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Major Sandip Unnikrishnan of the NSG, three cops including the Mumbai Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare, Additional Police Commissioner Ashook Kamte and senior police personnel Vijay Salaskar lost their lives.

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The line terrorist who was captured alive Ajmal Kasab was hanged four years later in 2012 after a detailed trial.

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Indian President Draupadi Murmu paid tribute to the martyrs tweeted and "A grateful nation remembers with pain all the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. We stand with their families and loved ones in honouring the memory of the brave souls...."

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