Goats climbing on trees are a common sight in Morocco. Although rock goats of North America are seen climbing mountains tree climbing goats are unique to Morocco only.
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Goats are seen climbing 8 feet to ten feet high trees in Morocco to snack on the argan fruit.
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The farmers in Morrocco often train their goats to climb trees. While the goats climb the Argan fruit trees endemic to Morocco for the fruit while it has also become a tourists attraction.
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The goat herders in Morocco try to make it easier for the animals by pruning some branches off the trees so the goats can start climbing more easily.
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The goats eats the argan nuts and farmers collect the Argan seeds which passes through the digestive tracks of the goats. The seeds are then processed to get valuable argan oils.
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While in digestion by the goats, the digestive juices makes the Argan nuts soft and ready to be processed to get the Argan oils, which are in high demand for their use in cosmetic industry.
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As tourist started liking it to get photographed with the unique tree climbing goats, the goat herders of Morocco has also started charging from tourists.
Image Credit: istockphoto