Guwahati, Feb 9: In a disturbing turn of events, the Basistha Police in Guwahati have arrested a 20-year-old individual, identified as Arin Kataki, for his involvement in a fatal hit-and-run incident. The victim, Narabahdur Thapa, aged 54, tragically lost his life when he was struck by a speeding vehicle on January 26 at the Nalapara sub locality on national highway-27. The accused, son of a prominent public servant, reportedly confessed to the crime during police interrogation.
The incident initially led to confusion as witnesses claimed the vehicle bore resemblance to a police car, with red/green warning lights and a siren installed. However, further investigation revealed shocking details pointing towards a misuse of power and authority.
Arin Kataki, the accused, is the son of Pranjal Kataki, an Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) at Forest Resources and Survey Division, Santipur in Guwahati. Residing near Six Mile in the Dispur area, Kataki’s reckless actions have brought attention to the privilege often associated with individuals in positions of authority.
The police managed to track down the vehicle involved in the accident, a black Scorpio bearing registration number AS 01 FF 0555 and displaying a “Govt of Assam” sign. The car, which was found concealed in a garage at Six Mile, was equipped with the aforementioned police-like accessories.
In light of the evidence uncovered, new penal sections including Section 201/304 of the Indian Penal Code, pertaining to attempts to destroy evidence and culpable homicide not amounting to murder, have been added to the case.
Arin Kataki, who is pursuing a law degree at a private university, has been described by authorities as leading a life marked by indiscipline. Legal proceedings against him are underway as the authorities aim to ensure justice is served for the victim and his family.
This arrest sheds light on the urgent need for accountability and responsibility, irrespective of one’s background or connections. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the consequences of reckless behavior on the roads and the importance of upholding the law without bias or favoritism.
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