China revives panda diplomacy to soften ties with US

The humble giant pandas are back into news again after US President Joe Biden met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping recently.

Characterized by its black and white coat, the giant pandas is a bear species endemic to China and an essential part of diplomacy for China.

US first Lady Patricia Nixon, expressed her fondles for the pandas during her visit to China with President Richard M. Nixon.

Pandas have become a symbol of friendship between the two countries since then.

The Pandas have also became a mainstay in the Washington zoo ever since.

The souring relation between USA and China necessitated return of the pandas from USA to china recently.

China has 1800 pandas in the wild and it has lent 65 of the species to 20 countries as part of diplomacy.

In 1948 China stopped gifting the pandas but pandas are since loaned for ten years to countries for an annual fees.

The ten years loan agreement is extendable and it is agreed that that the panda cubs born abroad would be returned to China.

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