Dogs can smell cancer in humans

Dogs has strong sense of smell which are 10000 to 100000 times stronger and accurate than men.

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It is the smell through which dogs gather crucial information like about the environment, identify humans, etc.

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A recent scientific study has brought to the fore the fact that dogs can even smell diseases like cancer in humans.

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A fellow of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in New York has claimed that the dogs can smell cancer and indicate this to the owners.

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Now several scientific institutions including the Veterinary School of University of Pennsylvania are studying on the claim that dogs can smell cancer in humans.

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Scientists studying this are of the opinion that the dogs can smell  breast cancer and lung cancer, Bladder cancer and prostate cancer, by sniffing the breath and urine of patients.

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The dogs can also indicate about Colorectal cancer by sniffing patients' exhaled breathing and their stool samples.

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The animals can also probably sniff Ovarian tumors and cervican cancer  through blood samples and by sniffing patient biopsy samples.

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The Israel Institute of Technology is currently working on two ‘electronic noses’ to detect cancer in humans by detecting specific odors in humans.

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Center for Bits and Atoms of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s are now working to develop technology to sniff cancer in humans by using AI.

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