Imphal, February 14: A tragic incident unfolded in Manipur as clashes erupted between security forces and a group of ‘village volunteers’, resulting in the death of a 24-year-old youth and injuries to two others. The confrontation occurred as the ‘village volunteers’ reportedly attempted to loot firearms from the Manipur Police Training College (MPTC) armoury located in Imphal East district.
According to sources, a large number of ‘village volunteers’ made an attempt to forcefully enter the MPTC armoury at Pangei with intentions to loot firearms during the night of Tuesday. In response, security forces took action to disperse the mob. Initially, tear gas shells were fired, but as the situation escalated, security personnel resorted to opening fire.
Tragically, during the clash, three individuals sustained injuries. Among them, Okram Sanaton, succumbed to his injuries while being transported to a hospital in Imphal. The other two injured individuals are currently receiving medical attention.
The incident underscores the tense atmosphere prevailing in Manipur, particularly in the wake of ongoing ethnic violence that erupted on May 3, 2023. The violence primarily involves clashes between the Meiteis and the Kuki-Zo tribals. As a consequence, armed ‘village volunteers’ from various communities have been mobilized to guard their respective villages, aiming to prevent attacks from rival communities.
Since the eruption of ethnic violence last year, the region has witnessed significant casualties and displacement. Over 180 individuals have lost their lives, while more than 70,000 people from diverse communities have been forced to flee their homes due to the conflict.
In response to the recent incident, additional security forces and a forensic team have been dispatched to the site, and further investigation is underway. The clash serves as a grim reminder of the challenges facing authorities in restoring peace and stability in Manipur amidst heightened tensions and violence.
Also Read: Deadly Clash Leaves One Dead and Four Injured in Manipur’s Imphal East District