Majuli, Feb 20: In a tragic incident in Assam’s Majuli district, a man named Padma Bherua lost his life due to a rhino attack. The unfortunate event occurred on Tuesday morning at Bhokot Chapori 1no. Padumani, where the victim was reportedly out for a walk when he encountered the enraged animal.
The incident has sparked outrage among the local community, with villagers expressing anger over what they perceive as negligence on the part of the forest department. When forest officials arrived at the scene to conduct investigations, they were met with a hostile reception from furious villagers.
Villagers, speaking to the media, pointed fingers at the forest department, holding them responsible for failing to prevent such incidents. The lack of adequate measures to ensure the safety of residents in areas prone to wildlife encounters has been a recurring concern among locals.
This incident comes on the heels of another rhino attack just days earlier on February 13th, in Kaziranga National Park. A forest guard sustained severe injuries during a patrol in the Kohora range of the National Park and Tiger Reserve. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers posed by wildlife encounters in Assam’s protected areas.
Authorities are under increased pressure to address the issue of human-wildlife conflict and implement measures to safeguard both residents and wildlife. The tragic loss of life in Majuli highlights the urgent need for proactive steps to mitigate such incidents and ensure the safety of vulnerable communities living in close proximity to wildlife habitats.
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