News Desk, March 16: In preparation for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha Polls, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has launched a series of technological initiatives aimed at enhancing transparency and accessibility in the electoral process. With a focus on empowering voters and ensuring free and fair elections, these innovations promise to revolutionize the way elections are conducted in the country.
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar announced the commencement of the seven-phase Lok Sabha Polls, scheduled to begin on April 19. With an estimated 96.8 crore voters, including 49.7 crore males, 47.1 crore females, and 48,000 transgenders, the ECI is dedicated to providing a seamless and enriching polling experience for all citizens.
One of the key technological advancements introduced by the ECI is the C-vigil app, which enables citizens, including first-time voters, to report any poll-related complaints swiftly and efficiently. Through this app, users can alert the EC about violations of the Model Code of Conduct and Expenditure regulations, ensuring prompt action to address any issues.
Additionally, the VOTERS’ SERVICES PORTAL has been revamped to allow voters to apply for forms online and access polling booth details with ease. This platform also facilitates direct communication with Booth Level Officers (BLOs) and Electoral Registration Officers (EROs), streamlining the voter registration process.
To further enhance the voting experience, voters now have the option to access and download their Electronic Photo Identity Card (e-EPIC), a portable PDF version of the EPIC that can be stored on mobile devices or printed for convenience. This initiative aims to simplify voter identification and reduce the reliance on physical documents.
In line with its commitment to transparency, the ECI has introduced the cVIGIL application, empowering citizens to report electoral violations through videos and images. With features such as automatic location mapping and unique ID tracking, this app facilitates real-time monitoring of complaints and ensures swift resolution of issues.
Candidates participating in the elections can also benefit from the Suvidha Candidate App, which provides a single platform for tracking nomination and permission status. This app streamlines the application process, saving candidates time and promoting transparency in the election process.
Furthermore, the Voter Helpline App offers a range of features, including voter eligibility checks, registration services, digital voter slip downloads, and grievance registration. Designed to facilitate voter engagement and participation, this app serves as a comprehensive resource for voters across the country.
In a bid to ensure inclusivity, the ECI has introduced the Saksham App, specifically designed for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). This app offers voice assistance, text-to-speech functionality, accessibility features, polling station information, and a complaints mechanism, catering to the unique needs of PwDs.
Moreover, the Observer App enables general, police, and expenditure observers to monitor deployment schedules, report anomalies, and access constituency-specific information. This app enhances the oversight of the electoral process and enables timely intervention in case of any irregularities.
In addition, political parties can utilize the Integrated Election Expenditure Monitoring System (IEMS) Application to electronically submit compliance papers, promoting accountability and efficiency in expenditure monitoring.
Embracing sustainability, the ECI has launched the “Go Green” campaign, advocating for digital vouchers and eco-friendly practices in electoral processes. This initiative reflects the Commission’s commitment to modernity, economy, and environmental stewardship.
With these innovative technological solutions, the Election Commission of India is poised to conduct the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls with transparency, accessibility, and integrity, reaffirming its role as the guardian of democracy in the nation.
Also Read: Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Dates Announced, Seven Phases, Results on June 4